Life Flashing Before Our Eyes

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Happy Birthday #27

Benson & Packer LOVED helping me unwrap... and Andie (above in pink) loved just sitting on my lap.
Now you know why I post pictures of my husband and my children more than I post pictures of me. Just don't look real close. Yuck.
ANYWAY! It's my birthday. February Birthday's Rock! I know cause I have one. And I'll tell you what: Ben is the awesomest-coolest-best husband ever. I'll tell you why. For my birthday he makes a scavanger hunt. He buys me gifts that I actually want (usually shoes!), wraps them, and then hides them around the house. Then he gives me clues so I have to hunt to find them. I love it. The kids love it (until they find out that none of the presents are what they want: ie. rocket ship). It is so much fun. This year he gave me pants (I know - DARING husband, but he did an incredible job. One of the pants actually fit!), some hoodie jackets, swim bottoms, a shirt, and best of all... he took the day off so we could go out to lunch and he could help me with the kids all day long. It was absolutely wonderful. Thank you honey! I love you!

1 comment:

Ashleigh said...

That is so cute! What a fun day! Randy does that at Christmas (the hunt) and I love it too. It makes it even more fun to open the gifts! I am glad you had a Happy Birthday!