Life Flashing Before Our Eyes

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Andie-Girl 7 mo

Andie is 7 months now. And I think she is just absolutely a beautiful girl. However, I have some major bias-ism going on.
She is a pretty happy girl most of the time. She's my easiest and hardest baby at the same time. Easy because she's a happy easy going baby. Hard because she's my 3rd.

And here is Andie's famous crooked smile. She's starting to out-grow it now, but from day one she had a crooked smile/cry. We call it the Buddy Hackett smile (He's an old actor that was in the old Love Bug movie). However, she's MUCH cuter than Buddy Hackett.


Ashleigh said...

She is getting so big! She looks so different these days. I think she's a cutie too!

Allison Box said...

Cute girl! I mean you too, Angie! Andie is getting so big and so cute. She does look like Benson. I love all your pictures/posts. Your kids are so cute. Oh, and happy VERY late birthday.